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ACSEF 2024

Congratulations to all our 2024 Fair Participants! Below are our published links to both the Awards Ceremony slideshow and livestream. 





ACSEF 2024 International/State Results

ISEF Results​

Divij Motwani/Ayush Garg (ENBM039T) - Arizona State University ISEF Scholarship worth $58,000 and 1st Place with a cash prize of $5000, and a $1000 donation will be sent to ACSEF


Sahiti Bulusu (ENEV044) - The IEEE Foundation Presidents Scholarship, and 2nd Place Award 


Meenakshi Nair (ROBO043) - National Geographic Society's Excellence in Geography and Geospatial Science Award, and U.S. Agency for International Development's Third Plac Working in Crisis and Conflict Award worth $2000 


Joshua Wu (BMED045) - 3rd Place Award


Noah Kaleekal (ACSEF Participant chosen from CSEF, MED090) - 4th Place Award



CSEF Results


High School Awards:

Noah Kaleekal (Irvington HS) 1st Place


Sanjeev Magesh (Dublin HS) 1st Place


Yilin Liu (Amador Valley HS) 2nd Place


Andrew Zhou (Quarry Lane Upper School) 4th Place


Ahmed Rehan , Calvin Lacewell, Ian Wan (Washington HS) Honorable Mention


Shashank Garag (Dublin HS) Honorable Mention


Kshitij Tomar (Mission San Jose HS) Honorable Mention


Ishan Joshi HM (Amador Valley HS) Honorable Mention


Middle School Awards:

Ayana Baul, Siri Nuvvuru, Nadia Tsui (Stratford School Fremont) 4th Place


Isha Ranadive (Challenger School Ardenwood) Honorable Mention


Bhadrash Kumar, Dhakshinaa Manmathan (Wells MS) Honorable Mention



JIC (Junior Innovators Challenge) Results


Olivia Chen, 6th Grade (Challenger School, Ardenwood)
Project Title: Simulating Teeth Erosion With Eggshells and Common Drinks


Rudra Goel, 7th Grade (Stratford Middle School)
Project Title: Increasing Earthquake Resilience Through Construction Column’s Cross-Sectional Shapes and Patterns


Sanika Kris, 7th Grade (Stratford Middle School)
Project Title: Empowering the Visually Impaired Through Smart Navigation


Vaedanth Roy, 7th Grade (Stratford Middle School)
Project Title: Incident Surfaces and Polarization by Reflection


Sia Srikrishna, 7th Grade (Stratford Middle School)
Project Title: Let There Be Light: A Saltwater Battery Powered Eco-Friendly Light


Anvi Tandon, 7th Grade (Stratford Middle School)
Project Title: Empowering the Visually Impaired Through Smart Navigation


Savannah Wu, 6th Grade (Challenger School, Ardenwood)
Project Title: The Effect of Agar Hydrogel, Hydroxyethyl Cellulose (HEC) Hydrogel and Agar + HEC Hydrogel Versus No Hydrogel Added On the Relative Water Retention Abilities in Soil in Percentage

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